Pärnu Rotary Youth Foundation
Goal Statutes Management of the Foundation Scholarships issued Founder Supporters Contact

Scholarship to
support creative or
sports activities

Scholarship to
support a broad-based
youth project

Scholarship to a
young teacher

Scholarships issued 2009

Scholarship to a young teacher 2009 - Fred Rõigas
Scholarship to a talented graduating high school 2009 - Laurits Puust
Scholarship to a talented sportswoman 2009 - Eleriin Haas
Scholarship to support creative activities 2009 - Chris Sommer
Scholarship for studies abroad 2009 - Kätlin Pertel

Pärnu Rotary Noortefondi stipendiaadid 2009 ja Ideekonkursi Pärnu sümbol 2009 konkursi võitjad

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Pärnu Rotary Youth Foundation Mere puiestee 7, Pärnu